| | 
Welcome, welcome ... don't be afraid of the Destron feel to this site
... believe me ... we are just as friendly to Bots as well ... so take that how you
please. Just don't stand there too long ... the guards might notice ... so are ya comin'
in or not?

30th September 99 |
*** Look to the future ***
Right - straight to the point. Now is the time for your
ideas for the next Botcon Europe to come in, and we'll try and make them
happen! Head on over to our 'The Future' section and spill your opinion
now! This survey gives you the chance to give your opinion straight, so
don't miss your opportunity! If you've got your opinion on BCE 99 and
think you can point out the good points and bad points, goto the good idea
/ bad idea section and fill that out too ... have YOUR say! |
5th September 99 |
*** BotCon Europe Roundup ***
Okay - I'm feeling a lot better again and now I'm able to
update this site (manually as frontpage 2000 hates me). I'm also just back from ECTS (http://www.ects.com)
but you don't wanna know about that or you'd get jealous ;)
17th August 99 |
*** BotCon Europe comes and goes ***
Well peeps - I'm still a little
disorientated so it feels strange to finally be saying this - but ... BotCon Europe is
OVER! GONE! FINISHED! Updates will appear on this site detailing events, people, winners
and other stuff from the event. Unfortunately I'm still suffering from a bad flu thing, so
it'll be a week or so before most stuff is done. Sorry guys!
Jazz |
29th July 99 |
*** A message from the top! ***
This is a reminder to those parties
it may concern.
IF you have already booked up (or your details are in the mail...)
for BCE, then all I have to say is remember to bring your customised toys with you, check
the website for details on the War Hammer Style TFs Tabletop Game, bring along some
artwork for the Unity Wall, don't forget your fanzines and any rare TFs or original
artwork from the TFs comics etc etc, we will be happy to display that for other fans to
IF you're a Dealer, get in touch with me now, there are some special late arrangements
currently being made to fit more of you in. If you know someone who deals, please FWD this
email to them or let them know, since some people are still outside of the circle of
information reached by us........
IF you missed the deadline and are now not planning to come, please consider coming down
for just the Saturday!
Yes, it's even easier. There's no hassle, you don't have to pay in advance either. You
just pay 10 pounds on the door to get in all day. All we ask is that if at all possible,
you fill out a registration form anyway, mark it SAT ONLY at the top in big lettering, and
send that off to us with no cash. That way it will reduce any need to queue on Saturday,
since we will need the details of all attending for insurance details.
Those coming on SAT ONLY will still meet SIMON FURMAN!!!!
So .... if you are planning to come on Saturday, please do fill out a form and send that
on to us! I know there are people on this email list who are coming on Saturday (or
Friday and Saturday) who have yet to get in their forms. However, it is fine
to just walk in on the Saturday if you can't get us your details in time....
If for any reason, your details get to us too late and we can't mail you your pack, then
arrive on the day with some form of ID that says you are YOU, and we will give it to you
there and let you in.
Okay, that's about it. Spread the word, it's time to have some fun in the sun and
celebrate Transformers :)
Take care,
-KIM- |
6th July 99 |
*** Register for Saturday only! ***
If you will be attending on the
SATURDAY (14th August) we would still appreciate you
filling out the returning this form, though the deadline does not apply, and you only pay
on the door. This will decrease queuing on the day, as ALL walk-ins will be asked
for details. It will also give us a good idea of how many people to expect on the
So ... if you wish to attend on Saturday only then please FILL OUT the
normal registration form and just write:
SATURDAY ONLY in clear capitals on the top of the form.
However paying the extra £9.50 (making a total
pre-registration price of £19.50) will give you access on Friday if
youre there (first pop at the dealing) and a FREE T-shirt (first 100 get
a pre-reg only T-shirt) and a FREE BotCon Europe Commemorative
Magazine. So its worth it! |
27th June 99 |
*** Updated Pre-registration System! ***
After much discussing with European interest - the Pre-registration process
has now been updated! Pre-registrants can now pay ON THE DOOR if they need to (to
avoid having to use postal orders and other foreign check business). Once we
have received your registration form (PLEASE don't leave out blanks in your
details otherwise we CAN'T send you your pass!) you are committed to turn up.
If you are AT ALL able to pay by check in advance, then please DO SO and don't leave it
till the day. This will enable us to properly fund the convention. Abuse of this system is
unwanted and pretty un-fan-like. Paying on the door will have to have good reasons -
please enclose your reason for not paying early along with your registration form. Things
like "I've got other stuff to buy yaknow" will not be looked upon favourably.
Paying as normal also helps us to get an idea of numbers. So unless this applies to you (mainly
non-UK) then ignore the change
Provisional Schedule released!
It's finally here! Hoorah! Go straight to the 'schedule'
section to see the first draft at the layout times. This is, as it quite clearly states, a
PROVISIONAL schedule. It is open to change at any time if we need to fit something else
in, or if something overruns. You never know - we might even find other things to cram in! (is
that possible?!) |
24th May 99 |
'and there was plenty of room in the inn'
Hello radio fans! Well - greetings! Latest news is that we've now got a list of hotels
around the area (some of them anyway) and they're listed on the page suspiciously named
"Hotels". If you haven't started looking for one yet -
then try there first! |
4th May 99 |
PREPARATIONS! It's been a long and hard
journey towards BCE '99. But we're nearly there. Now, in these last stages of development
we're finally able to actually get the serious work done. Over the next week the flyers
will be completed along with the registration forms hopefully - so this will be what you
guys have been waiting for. From now on things should be good. Side
note:- help is
still welcome in any shape or form you think you could offer it. Please get in
contact with us. For everyone else - spread the word!!! |
25th March 99 |
BACK TO LIFE! After a long period of silence
on the BCE front and people working on their own thing, finally the parts are gradually
falling into place regarding the conference as we head rapidly towards the summer. Due
to network and technical problems by some people along with this public silence there
hasn't been much done to this website in a while now. We all apologise for this 'global
silence' but assure you that thing's haven't been cancelled or anything outrageous like
that. If updates are what you're looking for, then check out the NEW FLYER that's been
BCE IS still going ahead and BCE WILL still be the best UK TF event
for this summer that you're helping it to be. It's the fans who make up TF fandom
and it's those same fans who make it and BCE what it is today. |
14th December 98 |
STILL GOING! Slowly but surely BCE is still
being worked on. Anyone who thought it was being put off or cancelled should think again.
There's not much else to say about it at the moment - but all the work is currently behind
the scenes. |
10th October 98 |
URGENT NEWSFLASH Dates for EuroBotCon (proud
relative of the mighty BotCon) have been finally booked and differ to those first
advertised. They are: Friday 13th and Saturday 14th of August 1999. Venue : St. Barnabas
Center, Clapham, SW London.
Here is a newscast to all UK Transfans:
Assistance is required in the
following areas for the Convention
planning's further growth; Merchandise Assistant
and Guest Liaison. George can't do these jobs and her own as well, so drop the Webmaster
an email if you want to help out and think you can do so...ASAP!!!
Thanx! -George Morgan- |
10th July 98 |
NEWSFLASH Date and venue announced for
EuroBotCon (name pending full permission from the owners, 3H). Dates : Friday 25th and
Saturday 26th of June 1999. Venue : St. Barnabas Center, Clapham, SW London. More
information here as we get it ...
The Name! For anyone who wants to know the official name
for what started out as EBC '99, it's officially name is now BCE: BotCon Europe (Proud
relative of the mighty BotCon) |
20th June 98 |
Two EBC Reps talk to 3H, about the name EuroBotCon and other points
concerning the conference. 3H are generally happy with things and we're all buddies ...
more information as we get it. Also, BotCon 98 takes place on 19th to the 21st, and goes
very well indeed with TWO exclusive toys, both Predacon. Mega - Antagony,
female black re coloured Inferno. Delux - Vice Grip, male,
grey and dark blue re coloured PowerPinch. Thanks, 3H!!! |
10th June 98 |
New dealers questionnaire added, please fill it out if you wish to deal at
the conference. New major changes to be coming soon to the whole TMUK '99 scene, watch
this space ... |
25th May 98 |
NEWSFLASH TMUK 99 venue almost ready to be
advertised. Watch this space ... London is a certainty, so anyone wanting to visit the
fine old capital, will now have a good excuse. NEWSFLASH
TMUK 99 has the possibility of being a 2 day event on a friday and saturday, or just the
one day on saturday. This is pending discussion.
At BotCon 98 proposals will be discussed in a meeting with 3H, after this
information will be available here, so look sharp. |
20th May 98 |
3H have relaxed their rule on using the name BotCon for now, so we are
still deliberating the choice between EuroBotCon and BotCon UK and all that stuff. |
20th March 98 |
Following negotiations and commitments to our word and keeping our
promises and all our other noble stuff like that, the name EBC has been politely
discontinued whilst negotiations continue with 3H, Hasbro and Hasbro UK. As soon as
anything more positive goes on, you'll know about it. Meanwhile, EBC 99 has taken a name
change to TMUK 99, so don't use the word EBC or EuroBotcon again, please :) |

Media Coverage of
BotCon Europe
Here is where we'll link to anywhere that is talking about TMUK, or BotCon, or
basically anywhere else where we think you'll want to be going! So enjoy ...
 | Transforce '99,
Homepage for Transforce '99, 5-4-99 |
 | TMUK Homepage, General
Interest, 11-2-98 |
 | BotCon Online, BotCon
Details, 10-7-98 |
 | BotCon
Japan, BotCon Japan Details, 10-7-98 |
 | The Complete TFs Listings Page,
General Interest, 10-7-98 |
Email Me! if you have a site which you think should
be listed here.
