The BotCon Europe Event Schedule
FRIDAY 13th August 1999
 | ONLY Preregistrants, Dealers/Dealer helpers and the Team will be allowed in on
Friday. |
 | 9am - Team enter and set up the location. |
 | 3pm - Dealers/Dealer helpers arrive and set their stuff up. |
 | 5pm - Doors open for the Convention. Everyone is given his
or her tags, programs, magazines, t-shirts etc. |
 | 5.15pm - All present gather in the main hall to eat, drink,
mingle and chat etc. Tables will be provided and people can sit where they like. Someone
will introduce the Convention. |
 | Video footage of Beast Wars II will be showing in the background for any interested.
This will be repeated on Saturday. |
 | 5.45pm - Wrapping up that, the Dealer areas will be open
and those there can trade away. There will be video of some description (content TBA
later) on show at the same time, either BWs series one, two or three, Generation One or
 | 6.45pm - Dealers finish trading and we close down for the
day. |
 | 7pm - all Non Dealer/Dealer Helpers, and Team members
should be clear of the center. |
 | 7.20pm - everyone except the Team should be clear of the
center. |
SATURDAY 14th August 1999
 | 9.30am - Dealer/Helpers enter to set up. |
 | 10am -Doors open to everyone. |
 | FROM 10am - there will be Dealer tables open for trading. Videos playing in a few
locations, showing various selections of TFs Generation One, TFTM, Beast Wars series One,
Two and Three and later on, Beast Wars II. |
 | Additionally we hope to provide TF MUSH demonstrations of some nature, depending on
available assets, during the day. Also, a Playstation for attendees to play Beast Wars the
game on, and this will be monitored and a prize given to the winning player of the day. A
time limit may be imposed by the team member. |
 | The Unity Wall is open all day for pin ups drawn by anyone at all. So please bring
something along. (See compo section above) |
 | The Constructibot Contest will also be available to all during the day. |
 | The Team will be running a small WarHammer style TFs RPG game. For a list of characters,
please see the website. On the day, at the table will be instructions to any complete
newcomers on how to get involved. It will be all in good fun and for a laugh! So please
drop by and give it a go. This will happen at some stage depending on interest. |
 | There will also be a young man demonstrating his own TFs game there, and as he would
like views and opinions on this, to get it recognised, please drop by and take a look or
join in. It would be nice to see some fan support FOR fellow fan projects. |
 | There will also be some TF RPG books lying around for you to read. |
 | 12.50pm - Dealer tables will close (TEMP!). Videos will be
switched off, everything will stop ... |
 | 1pm - Mr Simon Furman will be speaking and taking questions
in the Main Hall. Seats are provided. This will last for approx. 45 minutes, and MAY over
run. We ask that no dealing or anything else of any distraction is attempted during this
period, in respect to Mr Furman. |
 | 2pm - (approx.) Dealing resumes, videos, TF games,
Playstation, everything else really. |
 | 2.20pm - Simon Furman will be at a side location, available
to sign items, chat and briefly discuss other questions one to one. Some limitations MAY
be placed upon this session if needed, see above. |
 | 3pm - We expect (approx. again) Simon to be finished by
this time. We ask that fans respect his wishes and when the time is up, that he is not in
any way harassed. All normal events will resume fully and Simon will either hang around
for a while to browse or take his leave, work-depending. |
 | By 5:30pm ... |
We expect (depending on how to time the day has run) for the prizes to be
awarded to those who have won the Constructibot Contest, to the Unity Wall winner and to
the winner of the PSX contest. Needless to say the prizes will be unusual TF items and may
well be signed and/or rare, so be sure to enter! An additional prize will be awarded to
the best performance on the Warhammer style TF RPG game.
 | 6.20pm - Dealers stop trading, videos etc go off. |
 | 6.30pm - All non Dealer/Helper and Team Members are
expected to be off site. |
 | 7.30pm - All non Team Members are expected to be packed up
and off site. |