The Bad Ass Blackantra's BA type page - ooh indeed.
I'd like to share a few pics that help to image what her evil typeface looks like :P They suck but hey! some very nice things in life SUCK >8P
This image kinda's doesn't work all that well, but if you look hard enough you can see the helmets and heads of two SJS (Copyright 2000AD Comics) Judge Enforcers, images taken from the Judge Dredd Movie. Blackie' is based loosly on the prinicles of the SJS (in 2000AD it stands for something else - but in Blackie's case it simply means Serious Judgement Service) and her powered armouring is also based upon the SJS's powerful body suits. She also has powers whose origins vary and the places that inspired me for these are the Brotherhood Of Chaos (TMUK) and Spawn (A comic and film mystical charecter). More on Blackantra later ...