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Destron History


  Leozack : Leozack/Leozak, first seen in the Japanese TV show Victory, where he appears as Deszaras’ right hand man. Leader and Captain of the Brestforce/Beastforce and Gaihawk’s loyal comrade, an elite warrior team of Destrons who work for Deszaras and man the almighty Destron Space Headquarters, also known as the Space Fortress and Sky City. Leozack pilots the powerful gestalt combiner robot Liokaiser with his own mind. Also showed up a fair bit in TMUK sagas, fighting both in the Empire of the Liege Maximo and within the separate Destron race. Had been used in my own personal universes a lot, has mastery over Matrix abilities in TMUK’s Nova Wars era and my own universe, Fears very little and can be defeated by even less. Has a lion as a pet. Features on at least two MUSHes, Genesis and Victory (where I play as him!) Has an Autobot clone in many of the universes/realities called Res-Cue who leads the Rescueforce…and in some people’s realities comes to get along with Leozack quite well. In others they remain enemies. Was a toy solely in Japan, and had his mould used in the UK to create his UK clone, Res-Cue.

Here is his Genesis description :

  The commander of the Brestforce unit, Leozak, takes great pride in the efforts of his team, but is very quick in taking the credit. He is a strong, valiant fighter who will use whatever means necessary to bring him victory. He often finds himself questioning Deszaras' motives, unsure if his leader is as dedicated to ultimate conquest as he is or if he's just after the glory. His breast unit, aptly dubbed Leoblaster, is capable of taking the form of either a ferocious lion or a twin-barreled missile launcher. He can transform into an F-14 jet capable of sub-orbital speeds and armed with a pair of powerful laser cannons. He also carries a razor sharp pike that can convert into a three section staff or a chain. He's extremely distrustful of Hellbat, who he thinks is always trying to outdo him in the eyes of Deszaras.

Click here to see the history of the Deston Empire, as seen by Leozak

Click here to go to the Deston site, at Kim's Korner!

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I am currently playing:  Leozak@Genesis, Nightstrike@Genesis, Nightstrike@TLY, Gaihawk@Victory

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Last modified: October 27, 2008 01:24 -0000